It Was a Political Decision To Sack Charlotte Osei – MP For Yilo Krobo

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The Member of Parliament for Yilo Krobo, Hon. Lawyer Magnus Kofi Amoatey, who doubles as a member of the Parliamentary Select Committee on Legal affairs, has said the controversial sacking of the Electoral commissioner, Mrs Charlotte Osei and her two deputies was borne out of Political decision.

He said there is no security of tenure of office for electoral commissioners. He said the NPP have set the pace for any Party that wins the election in subjection with the law and constitution of Ghana to change the commissioner anytime best for the government.

In an interview with Owuraku Asamoah host of Bekyeremu, political show on Radio 1 , Lawyer Kofi Amoatey said, after the appointment of Charlotte as the EC boss, there were a lot of mitigations from the camp of the ruling New Patriotic Party, (NPP), and swore to disappoint her and finally they have achieved their long term aim.

In as much as, the sacking of Charlotte Osei and her 2 deputies was politically motivated, Lawyer Kofi Amoatey believes the President acted in accordance with the constitution. He said the grounds upon which Charlotte Osei was removed are all, not part of her core mandate as EC chair. “She was removed on administrative hitches. Infringement on Procurement law” he said.

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He continued to say even as the matter is dragged to court, H.E. Nana Akuffo Addo can appoint a substantive chairperson because no one can place injunction on the activities of the President.

The president of Ghana, per instruction from a committee chaired by the Chief Justice, Justice Sophia Abena Boafoa Akuffo, in the report to probe the allegations against the EC boss, recommended the President of Ghana to sack Charlotte Osei and her 2 deputies and the President did just that.


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