90% Of Ghanaians Living In Nigeria Without Documents But Most Nigerians Have Documents In Ghana – Igbo King Rreveals

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90% of Ghanaians living in Nigeria without documents but most Nigerians have documents in Ghana – Igbo King reveals

The King of Igbo community in Ghana Eze Dr. Chukwudi Jude Ihenetu says 90 percent of Ghanaians living in Nigeria without documents but most Nigerians are legal residents in Ghana.

He said Nigeria may not be enforcing its laws on residential permits for foreigners hence a lot of undocumented Ghanaians residing there.

He said unlike Nigeria, it is wrong for any Ghanaian to suggest that Nigerians living in Ghana do not have the right documentation.

Speaking on Ghana Yensom on Accra100.5FM on Monday, 10 May 2021 the King of the Igbo community in Ghana told show host Kwame Appiah Kubi that: “The issue of immigration is totally wrong. It is 100 percent wrong to say Nigerians come into Ghana with documentation.

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“A Nigerian will have an ECOWAS passport, ECOWAS ID card that can bring him into the country for 90 days and after that, you have to go and return again but if you want to live in that ECOWAS country you have to have your working permit to live there or residence permit to live there.

“So if Nigerians are coming here without documentation it is wrong they must obtain their documentation…”

Comparing Ghana and Nigeria Dr. Ihenetu noted: “I don’t want to have a comparison of the two nations but I’m telling you that 90 percent of Ghanaians living in Nigeria have no documents. I am telling you because I am the patron of the Ghana Community Association in Igbo state (Nigeria) and many have been living there for years, only God knows how long. Many of them are working in our ministries and all that and in Nigeria we welcome them.

“Nigeria might not enforce their law, that is not the concern of Ghana, but Ghana is enforcing their laws and I like that because every country without laws is an empty country. So what I’m saying is if Nigerians are coming here without documents that is wrong…”

Dr. Ihenetu advised Nigerians living in Ghana to register with the Nigerian Embassy so that the embassy may come to their aid when they are in any form of distress while living in Ghana.

He also supported the idea that any Nigerian that flouts the laws of Ghana be dealt with according to the laws of the country.


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