GJA polls: I’ll sue – Ayittey

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Johnny Ayittey, one of the presidential aspirants in the Ghana Journalists Association (GJA) elections, has threatened to go to court to annul the elections.

It emerged that the name of former President, John Dramani Mahama, replaced that of Mr Aryitey in the GJA voters list.

Mr Mahama’s name appears at No. 138 on the register, a spot meant for aspirant Johnny Ayittey, whose camp described the situation as “strange”.

Reacting to the development in an interview with Class News on Friday, September 29, Mr Aryitey said: “We trusted the system but they have made us understand that we misplaced our trust. 95 per cent of the staff in the GBC TV newsroom, including those who have won awards in the last two or three years, we are being told they don’t qualify to vote.

“We will meet them in court. I have handed the matter over to my lawyer.”

The other contestants for the presidential spot included Lloyd Evans and incumbent Mr Affail Monney. Mr John Mahama is also a registered member of the GJA.

Source: ClassFMonline.com

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