‘Abusive’ National Officer Who Threatened Security Personnel Partly Responsible For NDC’s Election Defeat – Pro-NDC Newspaper Editor

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An Editor for The Informer Newspaper, Andy Kankam is charging the hierarchy of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) to focus their attention on restructuring the party in terms of discipline among the party officers and not those who constructively criticize the wrongdoings in the party.

According to the Editor for the pro-NDC Newspaper, the politics of insults engaged by some national officers of the party is among the many factors that have been affecting the fortunes of the NDC from 2016 to the 2020 general election.

Without shying from the fact that he is a bonafide member of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), Andy Kankam insisted on Okay FM’s ‘Ade Akye Abia’ Morning Show that it will not stop him from constructively criticizing his party and the government for something wrong without assassinating the character of anyone.

He maintained that he will not be stopped from criticizing the young men in his party [NDC] who feel that the only best way they can get the prominence and the attention of the party elders and also rise to fame is to assassinate characters and engaging in naked insults in their discourse.

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“So, I have not hidden the fact that I am a bonafide member of the NDC but that does not mean that in a party where young men feel that the only way they can get prominence or get the attention of party elders and rise to fame is to assassinate characters and engaging in naked insults in their discourse, is that the best way; the indiscipline, is that the best way?”

He added that the NDC suffered from such indiscipline within the party in the 2016 election and that brought about the Dr. Kwesi Botwe Report; reiterating that it is the same indiscipline that happened in the 2020 general election as some national officers of the party used bad utterances to shoot down the effort of the party to win power.

“I did my best to propagate and drum home the policies of the NDC and equally, every wrong utterance from any of the national officers of the party, I disagreed because that is not the best way to get people to vote for you,” he said.

“How can you a national officer of the party threaten security personnel saying that their continued stay in the service is post-terminus to that of Nana Akufo-Addo? I mean, how can you say that? A national officer will say that the days for father for all, Professor Mills brought it but he is dead and gone with it; what are you talking about?” he chided.

He stressed that the attitude of the same National Officer of the NDC to take on senior party members like Haruna Iddrisu, Muntaka and Alban Bagbin; questioning their commitment to the party is the main issue that should capture the attention of the party hierarchy and not those who constructively criticize such behaviours in the party.

“The Minority on the Appointments Committee is doing very well asking relevant questions. People have a conscience and so they don’t have to politicise everything as some people want them to do. They can only recommend because the approval does not depend solely on them,” he stated.


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