Koku Anyidoho ReactsTo Ablakwa’s Resignation [Audio]

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Suspended member of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Samuel Koku Anyidoho, has reacted to the Member of Parliament for North Tongu, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa’s letter of resignation from Parliament’s Appointments Committee.

Mr Ablakwa, in a letter, dated March 30, addressed to the Speaker, Alban Kingsford Bagbin, said he was stepping down from the Committee “after days of careful reflection and thoughtful considerations.”

His decision to step down from the Committee came as a surprise to many, leading to speculations that his resignation is directly linked to the approval of Ken Ofori-Atta as Finance Minister.

But reacting to the matter on Adom FM’s morning show Dwaso Nsem Thursday, Mr, Anyidoho wondered if Mr Ablakwa satisfied certain laid down processes before taking that bold decision.

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“Did Okudzeto Ablakwa consult the Minority Leader as well as the Volta Caucus in his constituency since he is representing them before taking such a decision? You belong to a constituency and not yourself.

“He may be the only one from the region representing the committee and so just resigning from such a committee, you could have discussed with your people,” he said.

The Chief Executive Officer of the Atta Mills Institute added that: “I won’t pass any judgment but the discussion is ongoing and so let’s see how it pans out.”

By: adomonline

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