Breaking: Mark Okraku Loses Father

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This morning has been a very sad day for the opposition National Democratic Congress, NDC, especially those in the Fanteakwa South constituency in the eastern region.

With just some few weeks to elections in the constituency, the father of the Fanteakwa South constituency chairman, Mark Okraku passes on.

He died at home on Friday Morning, August 12 2022, few days after being discharged from Osiem Hospital.

The late Sampson Kwabena Oduro died at age 79 and was a resident of Akyem Dwenase in the Fanteakwa South district.

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This has left many devastated and mourning has taken over the community and in fact the entire district.

This sad news was revealed by Chairman Okraku to Radio 1 staff, Obido, in the early morning of Friday, 12th August, 2022.

Party faithfuls and members from other political parties have started moving there to commiserate with Mark Okraku, his siblings, and the family.

Mark Okraku, a staunch member of NDC rose from the bottom to the neck of the party and looks forward to being retained as the constituency chairman.

The family is yet to meet to schedule the one week arrangement and the other arrangements.

Currently, almost all the constituency executives are with Mark Okraku, to console him.


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