‘Your Failure Is Enough To Jettison You From Office’ – Wereko-Brobby On NPP’s ‘Break The 8’ Mantra

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New Patriotic Party (NPP) stalwart, Dr Charles Wereko-Brobby (alias Tarzan), has opined that the current economic downturn under the Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo-led administration is enough grounds for the party to lose the 2024 elections.

In an interview with Accra-based TV3 on August 18, the former Volta River Authority boss said various political parties in the country should not harbor thoughts of continuing governance when they fail to deliver economic prosperity for all.

He believes the current administration has not delivered on promise of prudent management of the economy wondering why the NPP was still thinking about breaking the 8 – a slogan couched in relation to their quest for a historic third consecutive term in office under the Fourth Republic.

“If you have been given the chance to govern and you fail, don’t expect to continue to govern. This goes to every party.

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“Democracy is not just about elections,” he insisted.

“The fundamentals have all gone wrong, why will you waste time thinking about breaking the 8? You have failed to achieve your task and your failure is enough to jettison you from office,” Dr. Wereko-Brobby stated.

The NPP has said it remains poised to make history as the first political party under the Fourth Republic to secure a third consecutive term in office.

President Akufo-Addo’s second and final term in office will expire in January 2025 when the new president is sworn in.

While he has promised to respect the presidential term limits when his time is up, the President has also stated on multiple occasions that he desires to hand over power to an NPP government in 2025.

By: Ghanaweb

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