“Don’t be surprised, Akufo Addo is a plagiarism addict”– Bridget Otoo reacts after Kirani Ayat accuses Prez of plagiarism

Accra-based Metro TV host and Ghanaian female media celebrity Bridget Otoo have called President Akufo-Addo a “plagiarism junkie.”
If President Akufo-Addo utilizes a video by artist Kirani Ayat and his video producer, David Nicol-Sey, without their consent for a documentary, Ghanaians on social media shouldn’t be shocked, as the journalist claims.

On Tuesday, September 27th, when the story went viral on Twitter, Bridget Otoo warned that any President who replicates even in his first address may do it with ease.

“why is anyone surprised at Nana Akufo-Addo taking creatives content without asking for permission? his inaugural speech as president was plagiarized.

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time – Maya Angelou.”

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In an earlier post on Tuesday, September 27th, Kirani Ayat stated that in 2018, he submitted a request to the Ministry of Tourism to have his film included in the Year of Return tourism documentary, but was ultimately rejected.

Unbeknownst to him or his producer, the rejected footage ended up in a documentary that the President tweeted about on his official account.

“The president of Ghana has used my video “GUDA” in this ad to promote Ghana. I was actively reaching out to the Ministry of Tourism in 2018/19 to use this video to push tourism in the North and got NO reply, yet today it’s in an ad and no one reached out to me for permission,” he reacted.


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