Farmer Found Dead In A River At Asiakwa [Photo]

A man, believed to be in his late 50’s, has been found dead in the Twafo River at Asiakwa in the Eastern Region.

Residents say they woke up early in the morning to find the lifeless body of the farmer in the River.

It is, however, unclear whether the deceased committed suicide or was murdered by someone and dumped in the river.

The Assemblyman of the area, Edward Osei, said he received a call from one of the residents that someone had been found dead in the river.

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According to him, upon reaching the scene, he saw the deceased in the river with a sack, cutlass and bottle of water at the river bank.

The body of the farmer.

He was believed to be on his way to his farm.

The assemblyman said he informed the police who came in and took the body away.

The body has been deposited at the Kyebi Hospital morgue for postmortem and preservation.

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