I Smoked GH¢500 Worth Of Hashish A Day – Lady Recounts

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Mother of 2, Benedicta Amoako has given an account of her experience as a drug addict and how life on the streets of Ashaiman helped her.

In a chat on SVTV Africa, Benedicta revealed that she used to sell drugs and often smoked 500 cedis of hashish and weed daily. Benedicta disclosed she quit smoking a few months ago after setting up a stable business.

According to Benedicta, her classmates introduced her to drugs while in junior high school. She often joined them after school and eventually became addicted.

“I started with weed, and then hashish came in. I noticed that hashish was making me lose weight and also that I was wasting money. I used to sell hashish, but I stopped because of the police.

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It was a waste of money, and I didn’t like where my life was going. I could smoke almost Ghc500 in a day,” she recounted.

Moreover, the single mother shared reasons why most youths live in the ghettos. She indicated that the street has its advantages and disadvantages.

“I would not have got this shop if I didn’t leave the house. My family depends on me, and I can cater to my kids too.

There are many talents here, but poverty makes them commit crimes. Someone sells weed to cater for himself, but it would be better if the government creates jobs for us,” she told DJ Nyaami.

Benedicta advised the youth to stay away from drugs because they were of no benefit to her in any way. She mentioned that it was a waste of money and would not encourage anyone to leave their homes to live on their street.


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